2016-17 Unit Plan
Graphic Design

Mission Statement

Comprised of a dynamic grouping of disciplines—graphic arts, interactive design, digital arts and illustration, animation, 3D design and digital video—the Graphic Design department offers students the technological training and design skills needed to enter a highly competitive industry. Committed to empowering students, our program provides a multi-disciplinary design education, prepares students to be future designers, and  strengthens links to the professional and university communities

Program Description

The goal of the Butte College Graphic Design program is to prepare students for entry level positions in the Design industries. Students who successfully complete the program and plan to earn a four-year degree will have a solid foundation for application to the design school of their choice.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests "Employment of Graphic Designers" is expected to grow 7 percent, slower than average for similar occupations from 2016 to 2020, but this does not take into account that Design Students are learning more than basic Print Design, and are more in line with the BLS statistics of Web Developers, UX and UI Designers, where the growth is expected to be close to 20% by 2020.

As demand for graphic design continues to increase from advertisers, publishers, and computer design firms. Some of this increase is expected to stem from the expansion of the video entertainment market, including television, movies, video, and made-for-Internet outlets.

Moreover, graphic designers with Web site design and animation experience will especially be needed as demand increases for design projects for interactive media—Web sites, video games, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants, and other technology. Demand for graphic designers also will increase as advertising firms create print and Web marketing and promotional materials for a growing number of products and services.

There are currently one fulltime and seven associate faculty on the main campus teaching day and evening classes.

The program offers 8 courses in Graphic Design, and has submitted curriculum for another 6 courses to be added over the next two years. There are another seven classes that crossover from the Multimedia Studies program. 

Class sizes are based on the number of available computers (25 in each of three Apple computer labs).

In the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office system wide  report of 2007-2008 wage gains by TOPS code, the Graphic Design and Multimedia wage gain for students 2 to 3 years after earning their diploma or certificate in Graphic Design or Multimedia was $45,451 compared to those without a diploma/certificate who earned a median income gain of only $10,708  The survey was based on 244 awards earned during the assessment period. The wage gains are even higher when Web and mobile development design are considered.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Two Laser Printers for Graphic Design, Multimedia, and Photography classes.

Amount: 5000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

The two HP Laser Printers have made it possible for students to proof their work before sending to final printing. It also allows for printing of Design projects such as posters, brochures, packaging, logos, and portfolios. Web-based projects such as proposals, UX and UI forms, and other development files are also printed for students.

Accountability Item 2

Software for Graphic Design and Multimedia classes

Amount: 14000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Students are able to obtain skills that help them become better trained and prepared for entry into the Graphic Design and Multimedia Design industry.

Accountability Item 3

Epson Surecolor Sublimation Printer

Amount: 8000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Students in all Design and Multimedia classes, as well as Photo classes, are able to learn new skills in t-shirt printing, promotional product design, and entrepreneurism for starting their own businesses on-demand companies. Students also gain valuable skills for entering a highly-skilled job market.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

The MSP and Graphic Design programs are going to evaluate scheduling for all courses in order to make it easier for students to fill their class schedules and obtain degrees and certificates.

We are also adding five new courses that will better prepare our students for entering the job market for the Design and Multimedia industries. These courses are being reviewed by the Curriculum Committee.

Planned imporvements for the Web design course (MSP 5) are to begin investigating the possibility of purchasing or creating an in-house server for students to use for uploading and testing of their Web design projects.

Due to the numerous variables in server technologies and the need for students to test elements such as forms as they are being created, not having access limits the learning in these areas, and can often make it overly complicated for students to follow specific processes that are set forth in the course project scopes of work.

We have added an additional web design course, Mobile Web Design (MSP 53) in response to student need and is part of the Career Pathways Grant.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)











2013-2014 Performance


Five Year Goal

Fall 2014 Performance


Five Year Goal

Course Success








-          Overall








-          Transfer/GE








-          CTE





ARTG: 77.5%

MSP: 62.7%


MSP: 60%

ARTG: 85%

MSP: 73%

-          Basic Skills








-          Distance Ed (all)








Persistence (Focused).  Note:  The Persistence (Focused) that is included in the PDR is a different indicator than the three-primary term persistence indicator, from the state Student Success Scorecard, that is used to measure institutional persistence.  The Focused Persistence indicator measures the percentage of students that took a second course in a discipline within one year. There is no relationship between the college and program standards in this area.


72.6%    (Three-Term) Scorecard


(Three-Term) Scorecard


(Three-Term) Scorecard

ARTG: 29.2%

MSP: 31%


MSP: 25%

ARTG: 50%

MSP: 33%







MSP: 3


MSP: 3

ARTG: 12

MSP: 11






MSP: 5

MSP: 5

MSP: 15

Developmental Strand Completion








-          English








-          Math








-          ESL








Licensure Pass Rates








-          Registered Nursing








-          Licensed Vocational Nursing








-          Respiratory Therapy








-          Paramedic








-          Cosmetology








-          Welding








Job Placement Rates (Digital Media)








                                                The MSP and Graphic Design program are in compliance with the standard. We are evaluating changes to the MSP title for "Multimedia Studies Program", understanding that not having the word "Design" featured in the name of the program may be a deterrent to students taking classes within the program. Instructors are also promoting the Design Programs by attending high school education and career fairs, speaking at high schools, and inviting high school tours to the Design department in the Arts building. Success rates for ARTG have decreased from the mid-80s, low-90s to 77.5%. This decrease is partially due to the removal of repeatability in all design classes. Students are no longer to repeat a design class which means that in depth skills training is lost. Students in their first year take a course offering a specific software application (such as Adobe Photoshop) and by the time they graduate, this software application has been updated and changed at least three times so students are not able to maintain currency in the software. To address this issue, the department has developed 5 new courses that will include the software that students need to learn as part of the curriculum. Success rates for MSP have decreased from 72.1% to 62.7% over the past four years. This is partially due to the removal of repeatability in all design classes as indicated with ARTG. Degree production for ARTG has decreased from 14-19 per year to 4 in the latest year. This is occurring because students are gaining the skills they need to enter the workforce and are not completing the degree or certificate path. By adding the new course described earlier, we hope that students will stay longer and eventually complete more degrees and certificates.  Focused Persistence for ARTG is now around 29% and has historically been higher – around 50%. The ARTG and MSP programs are actively reaching out to area high schools to recruit students into the programs. In Spring 2016, faculty visited four local high school and recruited at least 12 new students into these programs. In addition, we conducted multiple tours of our facilities and with a combined attendance of over 150 prospective students. For MSP Focused Persistence is at 31% which is at the higher end of its four-year range (28.4% to 31.9%).  The Job Placement rate for this program (Digital Media) is the lowest for any of the disciplines required to report this rate.  This rate does not accurately reflect the total employment picture for our students because many of them are self-employed and work as freelance designers. Faculty keep in contact with graduates via Facebook and social media and report significantly higher job placement rates than is indicated on the Job Placement Report. Since the Job Placement rate is generated from a data match with unemployment insurance, this does not include students who are now self-employed which is a contributing factor to the placement rate.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)



Strategic Direction

1.Collaborating effectively with K-12 to set appropriate student expectations, align curriculum, and prepare students for college success.
We have begun visiting high schools on a regular basis to promote our classes, and we are giving tours and hands-on workshops every semester to high school juniors and seniors to let them see how exciting our department is for students interested in Graphic Design or Multimedia.

2. Placing students appropriately, advising them effectively, and ensuring that they have educational plans
We advise students on a regular basis. Counselors send students to our department for advising because they don't have a good grasp of what we do in the programs.

4. Ensuring that students take the appropriate prerequisites
We are removing prerequisites and adding to our core courses so students have more ways to build their needed skills to enter the job market.

Program Review

1. Hire two new FT faculty - This has not been addressed though we have submitted requests each year.

2. Reinstate the Art/Digital Art and Design Department secretary and DA&D lab tech to 12 month - This has not been addressed though it is still needed.

3. Collaborate both within the department and with faculty in other areas - We have worked with the Commincation department to offer courses that articulate with CSUC

4. Increase efforts to maximize students’ completion of certificates and/or degrees - We are developing new pathways and curses for students

5. Promote all DA&D programs - We are doing social media promotion as well as outreach to community and high schools

6. Implement Learning Communities - This has not been addressed

7. Review pages and course descriptions for accuracy, currency and clarity - We are reworking our curriculum and adding new courses to respond to students' needs.

8. The Validation Team recommends that course sequencing be clearly stated, including prerequisites - We are working on developing promotional matrials such as brochures and other marketing materials.

9. Develop additional courses and degrees - We have written five new courses that are currently going through curriculum committee


Department Goals

The Graphic Design and Multimedia departments have the following goals:

Increase enrollment – by continuing to reach out to local high schools and community members, we hope to have a steady stream of new students coming in to our programs on a regular basis. Faculty are doing outreach now to potential students from 6th – 12th grade to create an awareness of our programs at an early age. We will continue these efforts on an ongoing basis.

Expand skills sets of current students - to address software currency issues, we have created five new courses that will offer students the opportunity to gain skills that will make them more competitive when entering the design workforce.

Continue Community Outreach – In addition to reaching out to local area schools, faculty are joining advisory boards and connecting with other community organizations to create awareness of our programs.

Increase social media outreach - We plan to continue doing extensive promotion of our programs, facilities and courses. We have used social media to promote our low-enrolled courses and reach a potential students (35,000+) on Facebook with no monetary outlay.

Maintain staffing levels to ensure program quality - We need a new faculty member to replace 3 retired faculty and we need to restore the Photo Tech position to full-time to accommodate program need and demand.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Community Outreach

The Graphic Design and Multimedia Design programs will strive to increase the awareness of local high school students and business leaders by establishing and maintaining contact with the local media, high school design and art teachers, and the local business community. We invite local high school classes to tour our facilities; and we inviting business leaders to join the advisory board and visit our design facilities.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

The Graphic Design and Multimedia department continues to conduct tours and presentations to high school students. We are visiting local high schools to speak to students.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Increasing Student Skills and Preparing students for industry jobs

Our students learn by working hands-on with the most current and recent technologies in the Design industries. Specific software and hardware is needed to prepare our students for a competitive industry.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

We have developed five new courses to address students' needs and maintain software currency.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 3 - Need for Full-time faculty

We have lost three full-time faculty from the Digital Art & Design department in the past five years, with no replacements for these faculty.

Full-time oversight and management is needed to give our students the highest level of training and to give direction to our programs.

  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

To maintain the core program, new faculty are needed.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 4 - Increased hours for Design Department Tech

Our Tech is now being used for Theater and Music, as well as Graphic Design, Fashion, Multimedia and Photography.

Additional hours are still needed to allow him to maintain equipment and manage the labs for our programs.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

The Photo Tech hours have been reduced and the workload continues to increase as other programs make use of these services.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Our department could use additional surplus seating for students in the top floor of our building. We have been asking for this seating for 7 years. Student sit in the hallways, against the walls, and stand around while waiting for their classes to start.


Current Financial Resources

The Graphic Design and Multimedia programs are currently working with the Chico Unified High School District Pathways grant to build connections with local high schools and increase awareness of our programs. Through this grant, we received $62,000 for purchasing new Wacom Cintiq monitors. We are also purchasing 15 iPad Pros and software that we can take to local high schools when we visit to promote our programs.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Graphic Design, Multimedia Studies, Photography Equipment 11-000-512-1-061460 56411 $13,254.00 $0.00
26 iPads for Design classes iPads to be used for digital drawing and design, creating and integrating User Experience Design (UX) and User Interface Design (UI) into projects, and they will also be used for creation and testing of Digital Publications, Mobile Apps and Games.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Collaborating effectively with K-12 to set appropriate student expectations, align curriculum, and prepare students for college success
2 Graphic Design, Multimedia Studies, Photography Personnel 11-000-512-1-061460 56411 $0.00 $97,187.00
Full-Time Faculty Hire The Digital Art & Design department has lost three full-time faculty that have not been replaced. Geoff Fricker in Photography, Dennis Wickes in Design and Photography, and Mark Hall who is retiring at the end of the Spring 2015 semester. Full-time oversight is needed in all three of these areas.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
3 Graphic Design, Multimedia Studies, Photography, Fashion, Music, Theater Personnel 11-000-512-1-061460 11-000-512 $0.00 $4,500.00
Reinstate lab tech to 11 months Our lab tech is needed during the Summer months so that we have a tech to manage the equipment during Winter and Summer sessions. There is also additional work that needs to be completed that would be easier to have accomplished if the tech was here an additional month.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
4 Graphic Design, Multimedia Studies, Photography, Fashion Equipment 1-000-512-1-061460 56411 $9,000.00 $0.00
Epson Surecolor White Ink Printer for t-shirts Our student need to be able to print on dark colored shirts to obtain further skills in designing for the on-demand direct-to-garment industry
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Maintaining core programs and services
5 Graphic Design, MSP, Photography Equipment $5,000.00 $0.00
Quadcopter Drones for Video and Photography Using drones for video and photography is becoming a growing market in multiple areas and students who have skills in using these quadcopter/drones will be able to obtain employment in the Design industries.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
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